My pieces are an ode to the mail. It is a seemingly magic system that I have long been both in love with, and in awe of. You can put a piece of paper in a mailbox at the end of your street, and have it arrive on the other side of the globe to a house whose address you scribbled on it with a pen. A PIECE OF PAPER! Something that a light breeze or a spilled coffee can vanquish… its quiet astonishing. And this isn’t even new. The Pharaohs used couriers to spread their decrees, and early Americans used the Pony express. It’s a beautiful example of people working together for the greater good. To send postcards, holiday cards, and unfortunately, bills too. The level of detail and organization in the mail system is breath taking.

To honour the work of the mail I imbue my pieces with the same level of care and attention. My mug bodies are inspired by the iconic USPS mail totes you can see in their post offices and in the back of their equally iconic LLV mail trucks. The handles are made using individually sculpted packages from tinted porcelain. I then stack them to form a handle and carefully affix their labels which are from USPS, Canada Post, UPS and FedEx. The smaller pieces of letter mail get individual stamps and then each parcel gets addresses. I hope that discovering all my little details feels kind of the same as coming home to discover a postcard from a friend waiting in your mailbox.

Mail Mugs


USPS Margarita Cups

Salt & Package Shakers